Viewers are stunned as a simulation reveals what happens when you pluck a hair from your skin

A viral animation exposes the hidden effects of hair plucking

Plucking stray hairs is a common grooming habit. Many people use tweezers to remove unwanted hair from their face and body.

Althought, it may seem harmless, a shocking simulation reveals the hidden damage beneath the skin.

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A viral simulation reveals that plucking hairs damages follicles, causing ingrown hairs and possible hair loss. Image Credits: TikTok/@zackdfilms92


The dangers of hair plucking explained

On social media, a viral video by Zackdfilms has left viewers stunned.

His YouTube channel, known for realistic simulations, has gained attention among viewers. His latest video reveals what really happens when you pluck a hair.

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Image Credits: TikTok/@zackdfilms92


The animation begins by showing how most people grab tweezers to remove unwanted hair. It seems like an easy solution, but the simulation exposes an unseen problem.

“Plucking actually rips out the entire root,” the video explains. “This damages the follicle, which can cause the new hair to grow in at an angle.”

How hair plucking can lead to ingrown hairs

The simulation shows a pulsating, irritated follicle after a hair is plucked. A new hair tries to grow but moves in the wrong direction.

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The video shows hair roots being torn out, leading to new hairs growing incorrectly or getting trapped under skin. Image Credits: TikTok/@zackdfilms92


Instead of piercing through the skin, it curls inward and gets trapped.

Hairs that fail to break through the surface can cause irritation.

They form ingrown hairs, which appear as red or blistered bumps. Zackdfilms warns, “If you continue to repeatedly pluck like this, your follicles can become so damaged that they can no longer grow hair.”
This simulation quickly went viral and sparked debate among viewers.

In the comment section, many viewers expressedtheir shock by damage to their skin caused by plucking out body hair.

One person said: Hence the Reason for plucking! Menopause hair is indestructible! Tell me how else I can damage the follicle because plucking isn’t working!

A second wrote: If I’m plucking a hair out of my chin I’m hoping it damages the follicle enough that it doesn’t grow back

While a third commented: The hair on my legs and arms pretty much disappeared but appeared on my face, just not fair.

Another added: Where’s the bit that says my eyebrow is directly linked to my sneeze box??

Someone else said: No simulator could put me off getting rid of the chin hairs!!

Another user commented: I have a nervous habit of plucking facial hair … it always grows back

The health risks of ingrown hairs

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Repeated plucking can permanently damage follicles, preventing hair regrowth. Image Credits: TikTok/@zackdfilms92


According to the NHS, ingrown hairs are not usually dangerous. However, they can be itchy, painful, and even contain pus. They often appear on the face, neck, legs, armpits, chest, back, and pubic area.

In more severe cases, the Mayo Clinic warns that ingrown hairs can lead to bacterial infections. Scratching can make things worse, causing hyperpigmentation, scars, or keloids.

The hidden consequences of everyday habits

Zackdfilms has built a reputation for eye-opening content. His simulations reveal the surprising side of everyday actions.

While, this latest simulation about hair plucking is another reminder of how much we don’t see happening beneath the surface.

In short, next time you reach for your tweezers, you might think twice.

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